Get ready for summer and put on that itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot-bikini with our Beach Body Bootcamp Workout. This full-body workout needs NO (yes, we said NO) equipment and can be done right in your living room. Grab your friends or squeeze it in during nap time and you could be on your way to burning 500 calories or more. Keep that intensity up, limit your rests and go!
Let us be your personal trainers with our detailed 4, 6 and 12-week She Sweats Workout plans! We guide your workout each day, telling you exactly what to do and what intensity to work at. We have everything you need! Find out more!
- 5 min warm-up
- 20 walking lunges, each leg
- 30 plie squats
- 30 walking lunges with leg extension, each leg
- 1-minute jump rope
- 5 planks, 1 minute each
- 50 tricep dips, divided
- 5 sets of 1-minute side shuffles, R/L
- 3 sets of 1-minute mummy walks
- 1-minute jumping jacks
- 5-minute cooldown
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Watch how to do this Beach Body Boot Camp Workout (7 minutes 11 seconds):
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