Life has been INSANE lately. We are currently in Colorado on our hiking trip. As you probably know, we were supposed to going to Washington and Oregon. Those states are and have been devasted by wildfires and/or wildfire smoke. We made the decision to change our plans since the air quality was so bad. We changed our flights to go to New Hampshire and Maine instead. Since it was so last minute, we were having a hard time finding any affordable lodging in Maine this time of year. There were only a few options near where we wanted to hike and they were way out of our price range. So, we ended up changing our flights again to fly into Denver (really the only place out west we could find that didn’t have terrible air quality). We decided we would hike near Aspen and drive up to Wyoming to hike. Now they are calling for quite a bit of snow in Wyoming so we will see if that portion of the trip actually pans out. No matter what happens we will make an adventure out of it!
While all of this was going on, Hurricane Irma was on the way. As you know, it devasted every place that it touched – Georgia included. We live in NE Georgia, about an hour outside of Atlanta. At our house we got a lot of rain and really high winds but no damage, thankfully and we also only lost power for a few hours. We actually had a few of our neighbors over to play games and we ate chili (this recipe) and cookie cake! There are still many people in North Georgia without power! While we didn’t experience the devastation that many other states did, a huge tree did fall on my uncle’s house. No one was injured as it hit the carport and deck area but it’s still heartbreaking. This is the house that my grandparents lived in until they passed and it has been in my family forever. This weather with the wildfires, hurricanes, and flooding lately is frightening! We are so thankful to the first responders, linemen, and others who go into harm’s way when disasters like this occur. If you have experienced anything from these storms and need any assistance please reach out to us! We donate to charities but would love to help any of our readers who need it, if we can!
We’ve been all over the place. Since we were planning on leaving earlier to go on our trip we didn’t have any food in our house so we had to eat out more than normal. We went to a place near us called Diablos (similar to Moes and Chipotle). Since a lot of you ask what we order here, we typically order similar to what we do at Moes or Chipotle. You can read about our order here and also some tips when you do order! We also ate at Zoes Kitchen. We forgot how good it was! I was very impressed with my salad (and the salad dressing) and Scott loved his power bowl too!
Zoes Kitchen’s Greek Dressing has an impressive lack of ingredients!
Can I just say that I am SO EXCITED to start the She Sweats 12-Week Transformation when we get back home?! While it’s good to change up your style of workout occasionally, I have discovered that I love (and my body respond the best to) weight lifting workouts. I plan on taking a few days off when we get home and then going into the transformation plan which will take me until the end of the year! I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to start a workout plan.
On Sunday (the day before the tropical storm hit us) we were going to drive up to North Carolina to hike but we got about an hour from our house and realized both of us forgot our wallets! We wouldn’t have enough gas to get back without needing them so we turned around and headed to Blood Mountain, we got almost all the way there and decided we just weren’t feeling it. We went home so we could finish planning our trip and decided to go back to Blood Mountain and hike that evening. I’m glad we did because it was beautiful and a great warm-up hike for our trip! Now that I look at my pictures, we’ve done Blood Mountain twice since I last posted. I guess it’s officially our go-to hike!
Home Updates
We made some of our own artwork and one of my friends made some signs for us too! Our house is coming together and taking on a mind of its own with the travel/adventure theme! I’ll do a tutorial on these DIY Canvas signs soon!
Below is a picture of all of the signs my friend, Sarah, made us. She did a fantastic job and even Rambo loves them! If you want one of these signs or want her to make a custom one, contact her. She does great work and has a great heart! 🙂 She’s on Etsy under lilrusticseastar, here is a link.
Until next week, have a good one! Let us know if you ever have any questions or comments! I’ve loved hearing from you about the updates! Click here to read all of our updates.