Show your glutes who’s boss and take this Gorgeous Glutes Fitness Challenge. It takes 31-days and about 5 minutes to complete.
Several readers have asked for certain focuses on challenges and we thought that we would try to bring you one that many of you have asked for! It’s time for a glutes challenge! Let’s get those fannies in gear!
The Gorgeous Glutes Fitness Challenge is intended to be done alongside your current routine (which is hopefully one of our workout plans!). We have 4, 6, and 12-week workout plans for all fitness levels! You may find that if you are lifting hard, especially on leg days or your recovery day, you need to modify this challenge. Do what you need to do! Or keep it exactly the same. It’s your challenge!
Keep a record of how you feel at the beginning of the month and compare it to how you feel at the end. You will make great strides!
How to Do These Workouts
- How to Step-Ups
- How to do Wall Sits
- How to do Jump Squats (see video below)
- How to do Walking Lunges with Rear Leg Extensions (see video below)
Who Can Do This Challenge?
This challenge is for everyone because you can easily make this harder or easier depending on your fitness level! However, you should always talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program or new physical activity.
More Fitness Challenges
If you want to include more easy and simple challenges each day, make sure to check out our other fitness challenge options. We have something for every region of your body to help incorporate strength and endurance into your daily cardio routine.
- 30-Day Walking Challenge
- One Month Squat Challenge
- 31-Day Wall Sit Challenge
- 28 Day Plank Challenge
- 30-Day Ab Challenge
- Simple 30-Day HIIT Challenge
Tag us on Instagram and use the hashtag #heandsheeatclean so we can follow along!
Looking for a printable version of the challenge? Sign up for our newsletter (we will never spam you!) and you will get a printable version of this glutes challenge for free!
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