I ordered the INSANITY Fast & Furious: 20 Minute Maximum Fitness Results Workout DVD a few weeks ago because I knew that I would be short on time over the next few weeks and I literally would not have time to go to the gym (unless I wanted to get 4 hours of sleep). So I was on the hunt for a HIIT workout video that could be done in 30 minutes or less. Tiffany loves the Insanity workouts so I decided to give this one a try!
Warning: This one moves really FAST – that is how they cram the workout into 20 minutes so be ready to be moving the ENTIRE time. You’ll be jumping, running, and shuffling along with doing push-ups and ab work!
Even the two assistants in the video quit for a few seconds! I love that the trainer always says to “Dig Deeper”, it really does work and makes you want to keep going!
As always, check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
If you try it out let us know what you think!
Happy Sweating!
– Whitney
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