Most of us have seen the “motivational” image on social media about no pain, no gain and other similar not really motivational quotes. We’ve mentioned before that motivation is a hard thing to talk about, it’s not like you can just consistently give out motivation like you can food and water. Eventually, it has to come from within and it starts from within as well. Use these quotes to change the way you think about yourself and then you will start to see your body change as well. Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram for more motivational quotes!
RELATED: 10 Tips to Stay Motivated for your Workouts
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“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point you will.” – Venus Williams
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“Believe nothing you hear, only half of what you see, and everything you feel.”
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“Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay positive.”
RELATED: 5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Achieving Your Dream Body
“The hard part isn’t exercise or nutrition. It’s your mind.”
RELATED: Build Up Your Confidence with Positive Thinking & How Getting Into Fitness Gave Me a Negative Body Image
“Who needs enemies when you’ve got yourself.”
Remember, you must change the way you think, feel, and speak about yourself before you can change your body. Stay positive!
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