I wanted to take this time to share with you a few of our favorite books. As you may have noticed over the last year or two, we’ve moved away from being a website totally focused on clean eating and working out to a website that also incorporates another very important part of our lifestyle which we refer to as minimalism. You can read more about what that means to us here and here. Not all of these books are new books but they are the ones that we personally love. Take our word for it when we say you should read them…they are definitely worth your time!
I’ve shared these books a few times on Instagram Stories and always get a lot of questions so I wanted to do a “real” post here too. Enjoy! 🙂
4 Books That Everyone Should Read
1. The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own – Joshua Becker
- If you are new to the concept of minimalism or even just living within your means this is a must-read book. If you already consider yourself a minimalist this is still a must-read book! I was able to get an advanced reading copy before it was released (and it was signed!) and I could not put it down. I finished the book in one day which is almost unheard of for me. The author, Joshua Becker, is a father of two and the creator of BecomingMinimalist.com and one of my favorites because he is so easily relatable. Minimalism doesn’t necessarily mean living out of a suitcase, living in a tiny home, only having white furniture, etc. He shares his story and shows you how you can also find the life you want under everything you own!
- If you are interested in learning more about uncluttering, check out the Uncluttered Online Course (only open a few times per year!).
- This book helps you (as seen on the back of the book and I can attest to as well):
- Recognize the life-giving benefits of owning less
- Realize how all the stuff you own keeps you from pursuing your dreams
- Craft a personal, practical approach to decluttering your home and life
- Experience the joys of generosity
- Learn why the best part of minimalism isn’t a clean house, it’s a full life
Buy The More of Less on Amazon here.
2. Essentialism – Greg McKeown
- I’ll admit, this was my favorite book before Joshua Becker released his book The More of Less. Now I can’t truly pick a favorite! I know I’ve mentioned numerous times that I think that the best way to live your life is to not care about what other people think of you and quit being a “people pleaser”. I remember reading this book the first time and thinking…I’ve said that a million times. 😉
- As found in the book, essentialism isn’t about getting done in less time. It’s about getting only the right things done. If you feel any of the following questions pertain to your life, you definitely need to read this book ASAP!
- Have you ever found yourself stretched too thin?
- Do you simultaneously feel overworked and underutilized?
- Are you often busy but not productive?
- Do you feel like your time is constantly being hijacked by other people’s agendas?
Buy Essentialism on Amazon here.
3. Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits — to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life – Gretchen Rubin
- This book is everything. If you truly want to change your life, you must change your habits. This book will help you learn how to make your habits work for you. Many times, it’s best to embrace who you are and how you do things instead of trying to change. This book has made me completely obsessed with learning everything I can about our habits. In order for us to be better parents, sons or daughters, friends, teachers, coaches, etc we must learn how people react to certain things and form habits. We can’t just expect everyone to be like us.
- Do you know those people who train for a half marathon or marathon and then never run again?
- Do you know those people who will do something that someone else wants them to do but nothing they want to do for themselves?
- Can you really wake up early to workout if you are not a morning person?
- Can you even train yourself to be a morning person?
- Why can some people develop habits that others can’t?
- Why do some things seem so easy to some people, yet so difficult to others?
Buy Better Than Before on Amazon here.
4. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! – Robert T. Kiyosaki
- It has always frustrated me that our schools typically do not teach kids how to manage their money. Kids go all the way through high school maybe taking one or two classes on finances. Then they go to college and unless their major is related, they still do not take any classes on how to manage their money. This HAS to change. I see it all the time where people don’t know how to do a budget, they don’t know how to balance their bank account, they have no idea that they don’t have to live paycheck-to-paycheck.
- Rich Dad Poor Dad will (as listed on the book):
- Explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
- Challenge the belief that your house is an asset
- Show parents why they can’t rely on the school system to teach their kids about money
- Define once and for all an asset and a liability
- Teach you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success
Buy Rich Dad Poor Dad on Amazon here.
Chime in and let me know what your favorites books are. Have you read any of these?
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