Short on time? Tabata training is a great way to get your heart rate up quickly and then recover. In this 32 Minute Full Body Tabata Workout you will do each exercise for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.
Woah! Seems like a lot of you liked the Ladder Workout Challenge we shared last time. Who doesn’t love burpees and squats, right?!
That’s a workout I like to do just to finish out my regular workout or in the mornings. I’ll be honest though, I’m not good at doing a full workout in the mornings. I would much rather go in the evening after I’ve had a full day of food (food equals energy) and maybe because I like to sleep in until the last minute. 😉
However, since we’ve been traveling so much lately I haven’t been able to split up my workouts like I usually do (I normally follow the same flow as the 12-Week Transformation. Yes, men can do it too!). When I can get into the gym in between trips, I’ve been doing full body workouts with Whitney like this 32 Minute Full Body Tabata Workout. If you have dumbbells (or something that could act as a dumbbell) you can even do this one at home!
Tabata training is a great way to get your heart rate up quickly and then recover. You will do each exercise for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds. There are four circuits and if you repeat each one eight times this is a 32-minute workout. If you can’t make it through eight rounds of each circuit, start with just doing four rounds for a 16-minute workout.
This is your workout so you choose how you want to complete it. Make sure you push yourself but also use proper form so that you do not hurt yourself.
I love to have my Polar A360 tracking when I workout so that I can look at my heart rate data and really keep track of how much time I spend working out. I’ve been told a time or two that I can lose track of time in the gym. I actually do like to work out so it’s not that hard for me to get a workout in but it is hard for me to remember to move throughout the day during work. The “It’s time to move!” alerts definitely help me get up and walk around when I would otherwise be sitting. Since we’ve had pretty nice weather here lately I’ve even gone outside for a walk during lunch a few days.
This was originally a sponsored post by Polar.
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